“Beauty is priceless, but the pursuit of it can be expensive.” – Unknown

“Invest in your beauty because it’s a reflection of your inner self.” – Unknown

“Beauty doesn’t come cheap, but it’s worth every penny.” – Unknown

“The price of beauty is high, but the confidence it brings is priceless.” – Unknown

“Beauty is an investment that always pays off.” – Unknown

“Beauty is expensive, but the confidence it brings is invaluable.” – Unknown

“Beauty is like a precious gem, it requires care and investment to shine.” – Unknown

“Investing in your beauty is investing in yourself.” – Unknown

“Beauty is a luxury that should be cherished, even if it comes with a price tag.” – Unknown

“Beauty is expensive, but so is the happiness it brings.” – Unknown

“The cost of beauty is high because it represents the effort and dedication put into self-care.” – Unknown

“Be willing to invest in your beauty, and watch it pay dividends in your confidence.” – Unknown

“Beauty comes at a cost, but it’s a worthy investment in yourself.” – Unknown 12 MINUTES BOOK QUOTE

“The price of beauty is high, but so is the gratification it brings.” – Unknown

“Beauty is expensive, but the feeling it gives you is priceless.” – Unknown

“Invest in your beauty, and you will reap the rewards in self-esteem.” – Unknown

“True beauty is an investment that appreciates over time.” – Unknown

“Beauty may be expensive, but it’s worth every cent when it brings joy and self-acceptance.” – Unknown

“The cost of beauty is high, but the value it adds to your life is immeasurable.” – Unknown

“Don’t hesitate to invest in your beauty because it’s an investment in your happiness.” – Unknown

“Beauty may be expensive, but it’s the best investment you can make for yourself.” – Unknown

“Invest in your beauty because it’s a reflection of your self-worth.” – Unknown

“Beauty is expensive because it requires dedication, time, and the right products.” – Unknown

“The price of beauty is high, but the confidence it gives you is invaluable.” – Unknown

“Investing in your beauty is like investing in your own success and well-being.” – Unknown