“Sometimes you have to be cold-hearted to protect your own sanity.”

“Being cold-hearted doesn’t make you cruel, it makes you self-protective.”

“When you’ve been hurt enough times, your heart becomes cold as ice.”

“It’s better to have a cold-hearted protection than a broken one.”

“A cold heart is a shield, protecting you from emotional pain.”

“Emotions can be a weakness, that’s why some choose to become cold-hearted.”

“It’s easier to be cold-hearted than to constantly be disappointed.”

“The colder your heart, the less chance of getting hurt again.”

“Being cold-hearted is not always a choice, sometimes it’s a survival mechanism.”

“A cold heart can be a defense mechanism against heartache.”

“Turning cold-hearted is a way to take control of your own emotions.”

“A cold heart is a shield against manipulators and users.”

“A cold heart is a reminder to others that you cannot be taken for granted.” WEIRD QUOTES THAT MAKE NO SENSE

“When your heart turns cold, you become indifferent to the ones who hurt you.”

“Being cold-hearted doesn’t mean you lack empathy, it just means you’ve learned to protect yourself.”

“A cold heart is a result of broken trust and shattered dreams.”

“With a cold heart, you learn to rely on yourself and not need anyone else.”

“A cold heart is a defense against the pain of rejection.”

“Being cold-hearted is often mistaken for being strong.”

“A cold heart can be a survival tactic in a cruel world.”

“Turning cold-hearted can be a way to regain power over your own emotions.”

“Being cold-hearted allows you to see through people’s true intentions.”

“Sometimes, a cold heart is the only way to move forward without carrying burdens.”

“A cold heart can be a beacon of independence and self-reliance.”

“Being cold-hearted can protect you from being vulnerable to the wrong people.”