“Becoming a mother is discovering strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.” – Sherene Simon

“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

“Becoming a mother makes you realize you can do almost anything, and it gives you the power to do it.” – Debbie Rosenblum

“A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Author Unknown

“Becoming a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child, but what you gained from having one.” – Samantha Harris

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” – Rajneesh

“Being a mother is discovering strengths you didn’t know you had, and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.” – Linda Wooten

“A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie

“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.” – Author Unknown

“A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.” – Author Unknown

“Becoming a mother is the most precious and challenging adventure you will embark upon.” – Author Unknown THANKS FOR YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT QUOTES

“A mother’s love is like a compass that guides her child through life’s many journeys.” – Author Unknown

“Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with your husband and your child.” – Tina Brown

“The days are long, but the years are short. Enjoy every moment of this precious journey called motherhood.” – Author Unknown

“Having a child is like letting your heart walk around outside of your body.” – Tina Fey

“Being pregnant means every day is another day closer to meeting the love of your life.” – Author Unknown

“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.” – Mary Mason

“Becoming a mother is a feeling that can’t be described in words. It’s a love so deep, and a bond so strong that it changes you forever.” – Author Unknown

“Motherhood is the greatest gift and the biggest blessing in life.” – Author Unknown

“A mother’s love knows no boundaries and has no measure. It’s a love that lasts a lifetime.” – Author Unknown

“Nothing compares to the joy and fulfillment that comes with being a mother for the first time.” – Author Unknown

“From the moment you hold your baby in your arms, you know you’ve found the missing piece of your heart.” – Author Unknown