“The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” – Unknown

“Behind the most beautiful eyes, lay secrets deeper and darker than the mysterious sea.” – Unknown

“Eyes like a universe, so vast and full of wonder.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a person is seen in their eyes because that is the doorway to their heart.” – Unknown

“The eyes are the windows to the soul.” – William Shakespeare

“Eyes that capture hearts, with stories untold.” – Unknown

“Behind those beautiful eyes, lies a mind full of dreams.” – Unknown

“Eyes so radiant, they light up every room they enter.” – Unknown

“The eyes speak volumes, even when words fail.” – Unknown

“The most beautiful eyes are the ones that have seen the most pain.” – Unknown

“Eyes that hold galaxies of emotions within them.” – Unknown LOOKING FOR HAPPINESS QUOTES

“Behind those stunning eyes, lies a universe waiting to be explored.” – Unknown

“Eyes that sparkle like stars, guiding lost souls home.” – Unknown

“The eyes are the storytellers of the face.” – Unknown

“Behind those mesmerizing eyes, lies a fierce and passionate soul.” – Unknown

“Eyes that hold the secrets of a thousand lifetimes.” – Unknown

“The eyes are the truest reflection of a person’s inner beauty.” – Unknown

“Behind those heavenly eyes, lies a spirit that shines brighter than the sun.” – Unknown

“Eyes that possess a depth so deep, even the vast oceans would pale in comparison.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a person’s eyes lies not in their color, but in the stories they tell.” – Unknown