“Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. But if you treat me like a game, I’ll show you how it’s played.”

“I am a queen, and I demand to be treated as such.”

“If you want to be my king, you better treat me like your queen.”

“I don’t need a king to fulfill me, but I definitely deserve a partner who treats me like a queen.”

“A strong woman doesn’t need to be treated like a princess, she deserves to be treated like a queen.”

“I’m a queen, not a pawn. Treat me with the respect I deserve.”

“You can tell the measure of a man by how he treats his queen.”

“A queen is never afraid to demand the treatment she deserves.”

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor. I need someone who will treat me like the queen I am.”

“A queen carries herself with dignity and grace, and expects to be treated accordingly.”

“I am a queen, and I won’t settle for anything less than being treated like royalty.”

“A queen knows her worth and demands to be treated accordingly.”

“I may not wear a crown, but I am a queen and I demand to be treated as such.” LETTING GO OF A BAD RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Being a queen isn’t about being served, it’s about being respected.”

“A queen knows when to put her foot down and demand the treatment she deserves.”

“Being treated like a queen means being loved and respected, not just pampered and spoiled.”

“If you can’t handle me at my queen, you don’t deserve me at my princess.”

“A true king knows how to treat his queen right.”

“I am a queen, and I refuse to settle for anything less than being treated like royalty.”

“I deserve to be treated like a queen because I carry myself like one.”

“When you treat a woman like a queen, she will treat you like a king.”

“A queen doesn’t need to ask for respect, it is given freely by those who understand her worth.”

“A queen never settles for being treated like an option, she fights to be treated like a priority.”

“I am a queen, and I expect to be treated with the love, respect, and adoration that comes with the title.”