“The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead, patriarchy demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves.”

“Feminist thinking teaches us to judge the meaning of our lives by what we accomplish, not how we look.”

“Men can learn nothing except by going from the known to the unknown.”

“The vast majority of men in our society are programmed to be abusive, whether they want to be or not.”

“It’s a sad day when men ask, ‘What are men for?’ and nobody has an answer.”

“To understand patriarchy, we need to go back to its roots.”

“Feminism is a struggle to end sexist oppression.”

“When women and men understand that working to eradicate patriarchal domination is a struggle rooted in the longing to make a world where everyone can live fully and freely, then we know our work to be a gesture of love.”

“Men who are afraid of women’s power underestimate the power of men who are not afraid.”

“When men share the burden of housework and child rearing, they are engaged in feminist practice.”

“Patriarchal masculinity is grounded in the fear of femininity.” FAMILY CHRISTMAS QUOTES FOR CARDS

“If men are to emancipate themselves from patriarchy, they must first embrace the feminist movement.”

“Real, lasting change can only happen when men actively challenge and dismantle the systems of patriarchy.”

“The struggle to end patriarchy has to be fought on all fronts.”

“True masculinity is not measured by the ability to dominate others, but by the ability to empathize, nurture, and create.”

“It is the feminist movement that has made it possible for men to begin to reclaim their emotional lives.”

“Feminist men are not men who have no opinions about gender roles and sexuality. It is just that their opinions are based on a radical commitment to gender equality.”

“The struggle to end patriarchy is a struggle to liberate everyone from rigid gender roles and expectations.”

“Men can free themselves from the chains of patriarchy by embracing feminism and actively working toward gender equality.”

“The will to change is the first step in dismantling patriarchy and creating a more just and equal society.”

“To be truly free, men must admit their complicity in the system of patriarchy and actively work to dismantle it.”