“Facts don’t care about your feelings.”

“There’s no point in doing something unless you have evidence for it.”

“The idea that ‘my truth’ is different from ‘the truth’ is a recipe for tyranny.”

“The best indicator of human progress is individual freedom.”

“The left always says ‘listen to the experts,’ but they only mean ‘listen to the experts we agree with.'”

“Charity is not free healthcare or free education; charity is one human being reaching out to another because they recognize the dignity within them.”

“Being offended doesn’t make you right.”

“The truth has to be repeatable without contradiction.”

“If you don’t believe in free speech for those you disagree with, then you don’t believe in free speech at all.”

“Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.”

“Socialism isn’t charity; it’s oppression disguised as kindness.” URDU QUOTES ABOUT FAMILY

“You don’t have a right to demand that somebody else pay for your comfort.”

“You’re not a victim just because someone disagrees with you.”

“If you’re not willing to defend the free speech rights of your worst enemy, then you don’t believe in free speech.”

“Equality of opportunity does not guarantee equality of outcome.”

“Identity politics is a poisonous ideology that divides us based on immutable characteristics.”

“The only culture that is valuable is Western culture.”

“You can’t redistribute wealth without first creating it.”

“If you want prosperity, you have to have freedom.”

“Feelings do not have rights; individuals have rights.”