“A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.” – A.A. Milne

“Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.” – Ambrose Bierce

“The wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, may be preserved by quotation.” – Isaac D’Israeli

“Quotation is the highest compliment you can pay to an author.” – Samuel Johnson

“I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.” – Marlene Dietrich

“A good quote is a beautiful thought, succinctly expressed, and easily remembered.” – Frank Sonnenberg

“Quotations are the furniture of a bookcase that may catch the eye and please the reader, while the contents of the volumes are stuffed away in the pages, and may possibly never see the light.” – Charles Caleb Colton

“A great quotation can provoke thought, entertain, and inspire.” – Walt Disney

“A quotation is a miniature portrait of the author.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“Quotations are like little treasures, waiting to be discovered and shared.” – Unknown

“Quotations can bring wisdom, solace, and entertainment in a single line.” – Unknown

“Quotations are the spice of conversation and the essence of writing.” – Unknown

“Quotations have power because they are concise and capture the essence of an idea.” – Unknown

“A well-placed quotation can transform an ordinary speech or piece of writing into something extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Quotations have the power to evoke strong emotions or change the course of a conversation.” – Unknown

“A great quotation can be a guiding light in times of darkness.” – Unknown I WANT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“Quotations are like windows into the minds of great thinkers and writers.” – Unknown

“Quotations can be a powerful tool for persuasion and influence.” – Unknown

“The right quotation at the right time can be a powerful catalyst for change.” – Unknown

“Quotations have the ability to transcend time and space, connecting us to the wisdom of the past.” – Unknown

“Quotations are like intellectual grenades, exploding with ideas and insights.” – Unknown

“A great quotation can capture the essence of a complex concept in a single sentence.” – Unknown

“Quotations have the power to make us think, question, and reflect.” – Unknown

“Quotations can provide inspiration and motivation when we need it most.” – Unknown

“A well-chosen quotation can add credibility and depth to a written piece.” – Unknown

“Quotations are like puzzle pieces, fitting together to form a bigger picture.” – Unknown

“Quotations can be a source of comfort and reassurance in difficult times.” – Unknown

“A great quotation can spark curiosity and lead to further exploration.” – Unknown

“Quotations have the ability to summarize complex ideas in a concise and memorable way.” – Unknown

“Quotations are the building blocks of wisdom, passed down through generations.” – Unknown