“Catch-a-ride!” – Scooter

“Heyooo!” – Tiny Tina

“You get a bullet, and you get a bullet, everyone gets a bullet!” – Axton

“I’m the conductor of the poop train!” – Mister Torgue

“I’m the strongest girl alive!” – Gaige

“Hey, you’ve got something in common with a dead guy. Congrats.” – Handsome Jack

“I can’t breathe! The colors!” – Claptrap

“I’m the one who does his job. I’m thinking… you’re the other one.” – Zer0

“I like my treasure how I like my baby steaks: rare!” – Salvador

“I’m never gonna die! Woo!” – Krieg


“I’m allergic to dying!” – Zero

“That’s it, I’m flooding the train station with sewage gas. Hehe, wait one sec.” – Tiny Tina

“Who needs a medical license when you got style?” – Dr. Zed EVERY DAY IS A BATTLE QUOTE

“I expect you to die!” – Mister Torgue

“Nobody kills my buddies but me!” – Axton

“Welcome to Fyrestone! This is the new U, get used to it!” – Scooter

“I love the smell of bacon in the morning. Smells like… victory.” – Claptrap

“My chili recipe dies with me!” – Krieg

“I call heads!” – Tiny Tina

“You know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at! You get a bullet! You get a bullet! Everybody gets a bullet!” – Handsome Jack

“I’m toast, bitches!” – Gaige

“I am the last Claptrap in existence, and I am going to teabag your corpse!” – Claptrap

“When the world hands you lemons, blow it up and get some new lemons!” – Mister Torgue

“Destruction and creation are the same thing, after all.” – Maya

“As soon as my robotics expertise is beyond question, I will build a roller coaster in my office! Whee!” – Dr. Zed