“Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors – it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.” – Wolfgang Puck

“Great cooking is not for the faint of heart. You must be imaginative. Strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you must not let failure stop you. That is how you become a great chef.” – Chef Gordon Ramsay

“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.” – Chef Gordon Ramsay

“In cooking, as in all arts, simplicity is the sign of perfection.” – Chef Curnonsky

“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking, you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” – Julia Child

“I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.” – Chef W.C. Fields

“Cooking is an art, but all art requires knowing something about the techniques and materials.” – Nathan Myhrvold

“Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.” – Harriet Van Horne

“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.” – Guy Fieri

“Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” – James Beard

“A recipe has no soul, you as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.” – Chef Thomas Keller

“Cooking is one of the greatest gifts you can give to those you love.” – Chef Ina Garten QUOTES KARMA WILL GET YOU

“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.” – Chef Craig Claiborne

“The greatest dishes are very simple.” – Chef Auguste Escoffier

“Cooking is love made delicious.” – Unknown

“It’s not about the ingredients; it’s what you do with them.” – Chef Marco Pierre White

“I don’t see myself as a chef. I don’t mind being called that, but cooking is a craft, and that’s how I think of it.” – Chef Tom Colicchio

“Cookery is not chemistry. It is an art. It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.” – Chef Marcel Boulestin

“Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.” – Chef Craig Claiborne

“Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.” – Chef Auguste Escoffier

“Every chef has a unique technique and style. It’s about finding your own voice in the kitchen.” – Chef Alice Waters

“Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.” – Chef Anthony Bourdain

“Food should be fun.” – Chef Emeril Lagasse