“I’m dancing! I’m dancing!”

“Fear me, bitches!”

“I’m the best robot ever, yeehaw!”

“Ah, the perks of intelligence never cease to amaze me.”

“I am the mighty Claptrap, and I have never been happier.”

“You can’t stop the clap!”

“I’m not listening! La la la la la la la!”

“I am the ultimate claptrap of awesome, you cannot deny it!”

“I will deliver justice dripping in oil!”

“I’m programmed for partying and you guys are my VIPs!”

“All you need in the wasteland is a little love and a lot of firepower!”

“I am the Claptrap-in-chief, bow down before me!”

“I’ve got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel!”

“I’m gonna make you eat my wheel nuts!”

“Dance party, baby!” YOU ARE THE ONE FOR ME QUOTES

“I’m too good for this crap!”

“I’m about to open a can of badass on you!”

“Who needs friends when you have a robot as awesome as me?”

“I am the master of all things robotic!”

“The Claptrap revolution has begun! Fear my awesome power!”

“Resistance is futile, and also highly discouraged.”

“I’ve got more personality in my bolts than most people have in their entire bodies!”

“I’m like a diamond in the rough, but without the rough part.”

“You mess with the clap, you get the zap!”

“I’m a one-robot party animal!”

“I’m gonna claw my way up to the top, even if I have to rip my circuits out!”

“I may be small, but my ego is big enough for all of us!”

“I’m not just a claptrap, I’m a claptrap with a mission!”

“I’m gonna make you regret ever doubting the power of the claptrap!”