“I’m not crazy! My mother had me tested.”

“I’m listening.”

“I’m a great psychiatrist…because I know when to say nothing.”

“I’m not an eccentric. I’m an individual.”

“I’m not confrontational, I just have a low tolerance for stupidity.”

“I am wounded; I am not slain. I shall lay me down and bleed a while, and then I’ll rise and fight again.”

“I’m not easily rattled… I’m a Rodrigo, we don’t rattle.”

“I’m like a musician without an instrument; I’m nothing without my wine.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to come over with Girl Scout cookies this year. I had a little disagreement with the organization.”

“I’m not saying I can build a house, but I know how to signal for one.”

“I’m not the type to run away from my problems. Unless it involves exercise.”

“I’ve never been to a place so loud I couldn’t hear myself think… until I moved in here!”

“I don’t want to get up, Jane. I want to pretend it’s a tree house and never leave.”

“I don’t fear Hell, you know. I attended a British boarding school.”

“I don’t need therapy; I’m just a little quirky.”

“I don’t do flirtation; I’m a straight-out request guy.” FUTURE SISTER IN LAW BRIDESMAID QUOTES

“I don’t suffer fools gladly. Luckily, my particular brand of intelligence is able to filter out fools.”

“I’m not a bloody botanist! I’m a psychiatrist. And not a very good one at that!”

“I’m not aggressive, I’m assertive. There’s a big difference.”

“I’m not a romantic sort, but there’s something about firelight that evokes a certain… I don’t know, poetry.”

“I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist. As in, I’m not a realist, I’m a pessimist.”

“I’m not afraid of commitment. I committed to watching this show, didn’t I?”

“I’m not cheap, I’m thrifty. There’s a difference, and it’s also cheaper.”

“I’m not a fan of surprises. Surprises invariably involve getting wet.”

“I’m not sure what’s happening here, but I think we’re creating a new branch of physics.”

“I’m not really a sportsman. I don’t even subscribe to ‘Popular Mechanics’!”

“I’m not into astrology. I’m a rationalist.”

“I don’t need applause. I put myself on a pedestal every day.”

“I don’t do small talk. I’m more of a big ideas kind of guy.”

“I’m not a quitter. I just haven’t finished winning yet.”