“Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown

“It’s hard to say goodbye to a friend who lives across the miles. But I know we’ll always stay close in our hearts.” – Unknown

“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.” – Unknown

“No matter how far apart we are, your friendship will always reside in my heart.” – Unknown

“Friendship knows no borders or boundaries, it is an unbreakable bond that transcends distance.” – Unknown

“Even though we’re miles apart, our hearts are still connected as if we were right next to each other.” – Unknown

“The great thing about true friendships is that they can withstand any distance and remain as strong as ever.” – Unknown

“Distance may separate us for now, but our friendship will always bridge that gap.” – Unknown

“It’s not the miles that matter, it’s the memories we shared and the love we have for each other that keeps our friendship alive.” – Unknown

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but distance cannot break true friendship.” – Unknown

“Even though we’re worlds apart, you’ll always hold a special place in my heart.” – Unknown

“Distance means nothing when someone means everything.” – Unknown

“No matter how far apart we are, I know our friendship will only continue to grow stronger.” – Unknown

“The miles may separate us for now, but our friendship will always bring us closer whenever we’re together.” – Unknown SHORT QUOTES ABOUT PLANETS

“Our friendship is like a compass, guiding us back to each other no matter how far we stray.” – Unknown

“Though we may be far apart, our friendship will never fade. It will only shine brighter with time.” – Unknown

“Distance is just a test to see how far our friendship can travel.” – Unknown

“No matter the distance, our friendship remains constant and unwavering.” – Unknown

“The best friendships are those that can withstand any distance.” – Unknown

“Even though we’re far away, I carry your friendship with me every day.” – Unknown

“Distance may separate us physically, but our hearts are still connected as if we were side by side.” – Unknown

“True friends are always together in spirit, no matter the physical distance.” – Unknown

“Our friendship transcends oceans and continents, nothing can separate us.” – Unknown

“The beauty of true friendship is that it knows no boundaries, even if we’re worlds apart.” – Unknown

“The distance between us is just a reminder of how strong our friendship truly is.” – Unknown

“No matter where life takes us, our bond will always remain unbreakable.” – Unknown