“A best friend is someone who stabs you in the front.” – Oscar Wilde

“A true friend stabs you in the front.” – Unknown

“I don’t need enemies, I have friends like you.” – Unknown

“I thought you were my friend, but it turns out you’re just a snake in the grass.” – Unknown

“A friend who betrays you was never a true friend to begin with.” – Unknown

“A friend who talks behind your back is no friend at all.” – Unknown

“Fake friends are like shadows – always present in your darkest hours but nowhere to be seen during your brightest moments.” – Unknown

“Fake friends will always show their true colors, so keep people at arm’s length until they prove their loyalty.” – Unknown

“A real friend will defend you to your face and protect you behind your back.” – Unknown

“Beware of friends who pretend to support you but only tear you down in secret.” – Unknown

“A so-called best friend who makes you feel small is not a friend worth keeping.” – Unknown

“You think you’re my friend, but you’re just a toxic presence in my life.” – Unknown

“Real friends don’t insult or hurt you; they uplift and inspire you.” – Unknown

“A true friend never talks down to you or belittles your achievements.” – Unknown

“Beware of friends who use you as a stepping stone for their own success.” – Unknown BEST QUOTE ABOUT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY

“A real friend would never make you question your worth or value.” – Unknown

“If you have a friend who constantly puts you down, it’s time to find better friends.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who never insults you, no matter what.” – Unknown

“True friends build you up; fake friends tear you down.” – Unknown

“A best friend who turns their back on you when you need them is not a friend at all.” – Unknown

“True friends don’t judge, criticize, or mock you.” – Unknown

“If your so-called best friend constantly disrespects you, it may be time to reevaluate that friendship.” – Unknown

“A best friend who constantly puts you down is no friend at all.” – Unknown

“If your friend only brings negativity into your life, it may be time to find new friends.” – Unknown

“Friends who make you feel bad about yourself aren’t real friends.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who brings out the best in you, not someone who tears you down.” – Unknown

“A so-called best friend who constantly makes you feel insecure is not deserving of your friendship.” – Unknown

“If your friend is always rude to you, it’s time to find better friends who treat you with respect.” – Unknown