“Your life should be a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. If you want a new life, then you have to start thinking, feeling, and believing new things.”

“The moment you begin to make conscious choices, you begin to exert control over your destiny.”

“Your personality creates your personal reality.”

“If you want to create a new future, then you have to be in the present moment.”

“Change your energy, change your life.”

“Your thoughts are powerful ingredients in the creation of your life.”

“When you truly change your mind, your body cannot help but to follow suit.”

“The past and the future are illusions; only the present moment is real.”

“You cannot create a new future by holding on to the past.”

“Drift into a new state of mind and your body will follow.”

“When you start to think unlimited thoughts, you become unlimited.”

“The only way to change is to get uncomfortable.”

“Learn to think greater than your environment.”

“Your beliefs become your biology.”

“The brain doesn’t know the difference between what it sees in its environment and what it remembers in its mind.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT MAN AND WIFE

“Change is possible when you are brave enough to step outside of your comfort zone.”

“You have to change your energy before anything in your life can change.”

“The hardest part of change is not making the same choices you did the day before.”

“When you become aware of your negative thoughts, you can begin to change them.”

“Change is possible when you stop living in the past and start living in the present moment.”

“The more you think and feel as if your new reality has already occurred, the more real it becomes.”

“Your body is a reflection of your mind.”

“When you stop complaining and blaming others, you can take control of your life.”

“Your thoughts can either keep you stuck in the past or propel you forward into a new future.”

“Your beliefs shape your reality, so choose them wisely.”

“To change your life, you must first change your thoughts.”

“You have the power to create the life you desire; you just have to believe it.”

“Your thoughts and feelings are electromagnetic signals that shape your experience of reality.”