Here are some quotes that could be used as memes about being happy together:

“You are my sunshine on the cloudiest days.”

“Together is our favorite place to be.”

“Happiness is being wrapped in your arms.”

“Every day with you is a celebration.”

“You make my heart do the happy dance.”

“We’re not just a couple, we’re a team.”

“Life’s adventures are more fun with you by my side.”

“Love is like a good cup of coffee, it’s best enjoyed together.”

“You’re the missing puzzle piece that completes me.”

“Happiness is holding hands and growing old together.”

“My favorite sound is the laughter we share.” SISTER QUOTES FUNNY AND CUTE

“You make my heart skip a beat and my face light up with a smile.”

“With you, every day is a new reason to be grateful and happy.”

“Together, we create our own little world full of love and joy.”

“Being with you makes everything feel right in the world.”

“You are my happy place, my sanctuary from the chaos of life.”

“When we’re together, the world fades away and it’s just us against the world.”

“Your love is like a warm blanket that wraps me in comfort and happiness.”

“Love is a journey, and I’m glad I get to travel it with you.”

“Happiness is having someone to share the small joys and big triumphs with.”

“In a world full of chaos, you bring me peace and happiness.”

“You are the reason my heart sings and my face lights up with a smile.”