“You make my heart flutter like a minion on a banana!”

“Love is like a banana, it’s sweet and can sometimes make you slip.”

“You’re the only supervillain I want to be with for the rest of my life.”

“Love is the best medicine, even better than a banana.”

“You’re my favorite crime partner, and my heart’s accomplice.”

“I’m bananas for you, and I don’t mean that as a joke.”

“You’re the Minion to my Gru, the Bob to my Kevin, and the Stuart to my Dave.”

“Being with you is like being in a banana paradise.”

“You stole my heart like a minion steals bananas!”

“I’m minion-over-heels in love with you!”

“You light up my world like a banana lamp in the dark.”

“You’re my favorite minion, and I want to be your banana boss forever.”

“My love for you is bigger than the moon, or any shrink ray can shrink it.”

“You’re the minion quest I never knew I needed to fulfill.”

“Our love is like a minions’ dance party, full of laughter and fun.”

“You’re my ultimate henchman, partner in crime, and the love of my life.” FACEBOOK QUOTES ABOUT LIFE IN URDU

“I’m stuck on you, just like a minion stick to a banana.”

“You make my heart skip a beat, just like a banana peel on the floor.”

“You’re the Bob to my Teddy Bear, always by my side and making me smile.”

“Love is a journey, and I’m glad to have a minion like you to take it with.”

“You’re my one-in-a-minion, the perfect match in every way.”

“Love is a language understood by minions, and we speak it fluently.”

“You’re the Kevin to my Dave, always leading me towards happiness.”

“My love for you is like a minion’s loyalty, it knows no bounds.”

“You’re the banana to my minion, the yellow goodness in my life.”

“Love makes life sweeter, just like a banana gives energy to a minion.”

“I’m minion-ously in love with you, and I can’t imagine life without you.”

“You’re the super-villain that captured my heart, and I willingly surrender it.”

“Love is the secret weapon that makes minions unstoppable.”

“You’re my treasure, and I’m willing to go on a banana quest to find you.”