“Anyone caught whispering in class will receive fifty lines!”

“I’m big, I’m tough, and I’m mean. Life is no laughing matter!”

“I’ll squash you like a bug, you insolent child!”

“You may be little, but you’re nothing to me.”

“In my school, children are seen and not heard.”

“You will obey my rules, or face the consequences!”

“Children are worms, and I am the gardener.”

“I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget!”

“I despise filthy little creatures like you!”

“You’re wasting my precious time with your nonsense.”

“If there’s one thing I hate, it’s backchat from children!” CHRISTMAS QUOTES DISNEY

“You have the brains of a mashed potato.”

“Do you think I’m scared of you? I’m not scared of anything!”

“Why should I be fair? Life isn’t fair, and neither am I.”

“You’re a disgrace to your family.”

“I am the boss and what I say goes!”

“Do you honestly think I care about your feelings?”

“I eat children like you for breakfast!”

“I’ve seen stronger kids than you cry like babies.”

“I’ll make sure you never forget this day as long as you live!”

“You’ll regret crossing paths with me, you rotten child!”