“I kissed her as one would always remember, with gratitude and longing, with anger and passion – but with a love transcending all.” – Dragonfly in Amber

“Ye are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone. I give ye my Body, that we Two might be One. I give ye my Spirit, ’til our Life shall be Done.” – Outlander

“You are mine, do you understand? Mine, and I won’t let you go.” – Voyager

“I love you, Jamie Fraser. I will always love you.” – The Fiery Cross

“You were not strong enough to keep me, but I am strong enough to go.” – A Breath of Snow and Ashes

“You belong to me, mo nighean donn. Always.” – Drums of Autumn

“Think of me as yer shield, lass, and never forget that I love you.” – Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

“I did not know you had a laugh like that. Good to hear it, Sassenach.” – An Echo in the Bone

“Sometimes our best action isn’t to fight, but to retreat, step back from the conflict in order to save ourselves.” – The Space Between

“I have burned for you for twenty years, Sassenach. Do ye not know that?” – The Fiery Cross

“Ye were no verra shy about showing what ye wanted. Nor gentle, for that matter.” – Voyager

“Take what ye want from me, to do as ye will, my body, my blood, my worth, my soul, and breathe your spirit into mine.” – Drums of Autumn

“But in the darkness, my wounds still slept, and in the nameless black, the sleepers still dreamed.” – A Breath of Snow and Ashes

“Let it be long bear ye touch me, so I’ll not lose the memory of ye.” – An Echo in the Bone ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PERSON QUOTES

“My own desire made my mouth yield under his, more trustful than I, and it was Jamie shuddered first, and let me go.” – The Fiery Cross

“My love for you is a consuming thing, my dear. It devours me from within and makes me ache as fiercely as if I were wounded.” – Outlander

“That’s the way of it, I suppose. When ye find something like that—something so precious and fragile, that needs to be guarded—you can scarcely bear for it to touch it even once more, yet ye do anything at all to protect it, even throw yourself to the wolves.” – Dragonfly in Amber

“If ye werena castle, I would still be the bees, and keep the home of the sweet honey forever.” – Voyager

“Ye have to be strong yourself, Sassenach. Strong enough to be a man needed, and then to let them go.” – Drums of Autumn

“What we wanted was a safe harbor, and we’ve found it in each other.” – An Echo in the Bone

“You are my heart, mo nighean donn. And I will love you forever.” – A Breath of Snow and Ashes

“I felt his arms around me, lifting me from the ground, and the smell of damp earth filled my nose, mingled with the sharp tang of his sweat. ‘No, I dinna think I could,’ he said softly. ‘Ye give me leave, my Sassenach? To love ye always? And to speak to ye always, as I am now?’ – Written in My Own Heart’s Blood

“You have my name and my family, my clan, and if necessary, the protection of my body as well.” – The Fiery Cross

“He kissed me back, just once, lightly on the mouth, and then he straightened, the hand on mine squeezing tightly. ‘And you mine,’ he whispered.” – Outlander

“Our bodies joined, and my control started to slip, along with my sense of myself. I pressed him back in the tangle of bracken beneath me, my hands and mouth raking him, trying to brand him on me, him and me together, forever.” – Voyager

“All I want is to follow the same path as you and share our lives together.” – Drums of Autumn