“Rome was not built in a day.” – Anonymous

“All roads lead to Rome.” – Anonymous

“The glory of Rome shall never fade.” – Virgil

“Rome will exist as long as the Colosseum does.” – Venerable Bede

“Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning.” – Giotto di Bondone

“While stands the Colosseum, Rome shall stand. When falls the Colosseum, Rome shall fall. And when Rome falls—the world.” – Lord Byron

“The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide.” – Luo Guanzhong

“Rome was a poem pressed into service as a city.” – Anatole Broyard

“I found Rome built of sun-dried bricks; I leave her clothed in marble.” – Augustus

“Rome is the teacher of the world.” – Pliny the Elder

“The history of Rome is a river, forever flowing, forever moving. And the author of its pages, the people, etching their stories into the stone.” – Steven Saylor

“Rome, the city of visible history.” – George Eliot

“Rome is not a town of the past; it is rather a town of the present, and of all the centuries that preceded it.” – Albert Camus

“Rome, the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning.” – Giotto di Bondone

“Rome wasn’t built for one day, but it can fall in one day.” – Emperor Vespasian APRIL FOOLS DAY QUOTES FUNNY

“Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning.” – Giotto di Bondone

“Rome was a poem pressed into service as a city.” – Anatole Broyard

“As long as the Colosseum stands, so shall the Roman Empire.” – Unknown

“Rome taught conquest, whilst the Roman Empire taught governance.” – J. Willard Marriot

“Rome, the city of tears, a city of hope, and a city of love.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The grandeur that was Rome.” – Robert Graves

“Rome has not seen a modern building in more than half a century. It is a city frozen in time.” – Richard Meier

“I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” – Augustus

“The people of Rome possess an indomitable spirit that no empire can crush.” – Unknown

“Rome did not create an empire by conquest, but by culture.” – Victor Hansen

“Rome stands as a testament to the resilience and endurance of the human spirit.” – Unknown

“Rome – the city that speaks the language of art and history.” – Unknown

“To conquer Rome, one must first conquer the hearts of its people.” – Unknown

“Rome, a city bathed in the golden hues of history and greatness.” – Unknown