“The right person will come, love is never late.” – Unknown

“The greatest love is worth waiting for.” – Unknown

“Waiting for you is like waiting for rain in a drought—useless and disappointing.” – Unknown

“True love is worth the wait, patience, and perseverance.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love is like waiting for spring; it gives hope and rejuvenates the soul.” – Unknown

“I’m willing to wait for you, as long as it takes, because true love is worth every minute.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love can be agonizing, but love is worth fighting for.” – Unknown

“Don’t rush love, wait for the right person at the right time.” – Unknown

“Good things come to those who wait, especially when it comes to love.” – Unknown

“Love is not a race, it’s a beautiful journey; enjoy the waiting.” – Unknown

“Patience is a virtue when it comes to love; waiting is a small price to pay for eternal happiness.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love is not a waste of time; it’s an investment in a lifetime of happiness.” – Unknown ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR BUSINESS QUOTES

“Love is worth the wait because it brings two souls together in perfect harmony.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love doesn’t mean you settle, it means you have faith that the universe is preparing something extraordinary for you.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love is like waiting for a sunrise; it’s worth waking up early for.” – Unknown

“When love finally comes, all the waiting and longing will make perfect sense.” – Unknown

“Love is a journey that starts with waiting; trust the process and enjoy the ride.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love is not about wasting time; it’s about preparing oneself to be the best version for the person who deserves our love.” – Unknown

“True love is something worth being patient for, as the best things in life take time.” – Unknown

“Waiting for love is not a weakness, it’s a strength that demonstrates the willingness to wait for something extraordinary.” – Unknown

“Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about waiting for the imperfect person who is perfect for you.” – Unknown

“Love is worth every second of waiting, because when it arrives, it surpasses all expectations.” – Unknown