“True friendship knows no distance.” – Unknown

“Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown

“Distance is just a test to see how far friendship can travel.” – Unknown

“No matter the distance, true friendship will always find a way.” – Unknown

“Even oceans cannot separate true friends.” – Unknown

“The miles between us don’t define our friendship.” – Unknown

“Through time and space, our friendship remains unchanged.” – Unknown

“Distance cannot diminish the bond we share.” – Unknown

“Long distance friendships are like stars; even though you can’t always see them, you know they are always there.” – Unknown

“Distance may keep us apart, but our hearts are forever intertwined.” – Unknown

“Friendship is the bridge that closes the distance between us.” – Unknown

“Distance is just a temporary obstacle for our unbreakable friendship.” – Unknown

“The beauty of long distance friendships is that they give us the opportunity to appreciate the little moments we spend together.” – Unknown INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES BETTER DAYS AHEAD

“Time and distance cannot erase the memories we’ve created together.” – Unknown

“Distance may separate us physically, but it strengthens our bond emotionally.” – Unknown

“Our friendship is not bound by the constraints of geography.” – Unknown

“Friends come in all shapes and sizes, yet distance cannot change their value.” – Unknown

“Long distance friendships are a testament to the power of connection.” – Unknown

“Distance is just a reminder of how much our friendship means to both of us.” – Unknown

“When life gets busy and the miles add up, remember that our friendship is worth the effort.” – Unknown

“Distance has a way of revealing the true strength of a friendship.” – Unknown

“A strong friendship can survive any distance.” – Unknown

“No matter where we are, our friendship is always close at heart.” – Unknown

“Long distance friendships are like constellations; although they may be far apart, they always shine brightly.” – Unknown

“Distance may separate us physically, but our hearts are forever connected.” – Unknown