“The Lord is the destroyer of pain and sorrow; in peace and poise, everyone finds salvation.”

“Without the Lord, all entanglements are false; only the True Name brings liberation.”

“Remember the essence of love and devotion, and realize the state of eternal bliss.”

“In the company of the Holy, one’s light merges into the Light, and divine knowledge is revealed.”

“O human, remember the Lord in your heart, and merge into the abundance of the Divine.”

“The Lord is the Supreme Being, the Primal Power, forever merciful and compassionate.”

“Simply chanting the Lord’s Name, all sins are destroyed, and the mind becomes pure.”

“The Lord is the support of the mind; in remembrance of the Lord, worldly attachments are abolished.”

“The heart is enlightened and the mind is cleared by contemplating the Lord’s Name.”

“The Lord is the most powerful; surrender to the Divine and find everlasting peace.”

“The Lord is the source of all creation; in praise and devotion, all sorrows are dispelled.” GOOD QUOTES ABOUT SELFISHNESS

“The Lord is the ocean of virtues and source of all joys; meditate on the Divine to attain liberation.”

“In the presence of the Lord, all doubts and fears vanish; embrace the true path of righteousness.”

“The essence of the Lord’s teachings is humility and selflessness; recognize the presence of the Divine in all beings.”

“The Lord is the giver of all; practice compassion and serve others to find true fulfillment.”

“In the remembrance of the Lord, all desires and cravings are extinguished; find contentment in divine union.”

“The Lord is the eternal companion; seek the Divine’s guidance to overcome all obstacles.”

“The Lord is the embodiment of love and compassion; merge into the Divine’s loving embrace.”

“Humility and devotion are the keys to salvation; surrender yourself to the will of the Lord.”

“The Lord is the sustainer of all; trust in the Divine’s divine plan and fear not.”

“The Lord is the destroyer of darkness; by meditating on the Divine, the light of wisdom dawns within.”