“You are the master of your destiny. No one and nothing can come in between you and your dreams.”

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.”

“The true mark of a warrior is not how hard he can hit, but how gracefully he can take a hit and still keep moving forward.”

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“There are no accidents in life. Everything happens for a reason.”

“Your mind is like water, my friend. When it is calm, everything becomes clear.”

“In order to see the light, you must first acknowledge the darkness.”

“Sometimes the hardest choices in life are the ones that require us to let go.”

“There is no secret ingredient. To make something special, you must believe it is special.”

“The greatest remedy for anger is delay.”

“A battle is not won by strength alone, but by finding the opponent’s weakness.” BEST QUOTES ABOUT SUBURBIA

“Your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness. Do not let your ego blind you to the truth.”

“The path to peace is paved with forgiveness.”

“The anticipation of pain is often worse than the pain itself.”

“To be truly wise, one must embrace the power of vulnerability.”

“It is better to believe in something and be wrong, than to believe in nothing and be right.”

“True power lies not in destruction, but in creation.”

“There is always something more to learn, even for a master.”

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.”

“In the face of adversity, a true warrior does not give up. They find a way to adapt and overcome.”

“The value of time is not in its quantity, but in its quality.”