“Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means accepting and growing from the past.”

“The best revenge is living a successful, happy life without them.”

“Success is the best revenge; jealousy is just a byproduct.”

“Happiness is the greatest revenge, because nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone truly happy.”

“I’ve realized that the best revenge is to show them that my life is better without them.”

“Don’t waste your time making someone jealous. Just focus on being yourself and letting karma do the rest.”

“The best way to make your ex jealous is to prove that you don’t care about them anymore.”

“Instead of trying to make someone jealous, channel your energy into becoming the best version of yourself.”

“The greatest revenge is self-improvement; work on yourself and let them see what they’re missing.”

“Don’t let their opinion of you define your worth; focus on your own happiness and success.”

“The best revenge is to live your life to the fullest and show them what they lost.”

“Jealousy is a wasted emotion; let your success speak for itself.”

“The best way to make your ex jealous is to move on and find someone who treats you better.” KARWA CHAUTH QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Success is the ultimate revenge; it silences the doubters and makes the exes regret their choices.”

“Don’t waste your energy trying to make them jealous; invest it in building a happy and fulfilling life.”

“The best response to an ex who wants to make you jealous is to be genuinely happy without them.”

“Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”

“Success is the sweetest revenge; let your achievements speak louder than any attempt to make them jealous.”

“The best revenge is to be authentically happy while they struggle to find happiness elsewhere.”

“True confidence comes from within, not from trying to elicit jealousy from others.”

“Don’t let jealousy consume you; focus on loving yourself and becoming the best version of yourself.”

“The best revenge is being unbothered and thriving without them.”

“Life’s too short to waste on trying to make someone jealous; focus on your own happiness and growth.”

“Happiness is not determined by who is or isn’t in your life; it’s about how you choose to live it.”