“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

“A great heart is a strong heart, filled with love and compassion.” – Unknown

“A big heart is always willing to help others without expecting anything in return.” – Unknown

“The measure of a person’s greatness is not in wealth or power, but in the size of their heart and their ability to love.” – Unknown

“A big heart allows for forgiveness and understanding, even in the face of hurt.” – Unknown

“Having a big heart means embracing empathy and compassion for all living beings.” – Unknown

“A big heart shines its light wherever it goes, bringing joy and love to all it encounters.” – Unknown

“A person with a big heart is always ready to lend a hand and make a positive difference in the world.” – Unknown

“Those with big hearts can see the beauty in everyone, and help others see it too.” – Unknown

“A big heart does not discriminate, it loves unconditionally.” – Unknown

“A big heart knows that kindness is a superpower and uses it to make the world a better place.” – Unknown

“A big heart has room for everyone, regardless of their flaws or mistakes.” – Unknown

“A big heart is like a magnet, attracting goodness and love to its owner.” – Unknown STARTING FAMILY QUOTES

“Having a big heart means being selfless and putting others’ needs before your own.” – Unknown

“A person with a big heart understands that true happiness comes from giving, not receiving.” – Unknown

“A big heart is not afraid to show vulnerability and express emotions openly.” – Unknown

“A big heart has the strength to heal others, even when it’s hurting too.” – Unknown

“Those with big hearts have the power to inspire and positively impact countless lives.” – Unknown

“A person with a big heart is always grateful, finding joy in the simplest things.” – Unknown

“Having a big heart means being a beacon of love and light, guiding others towards happiness.” – Unknown

“A big heart never stops caring, even in the face of adversity.” – Unknown

“Those with big hearts have the ability to see the good in everyone, even when it’s hard.” – Unknown

“A big heart knows that love has no boundaries, and it transcends all differences.” – Unknown

“Having a big heart means spreading love and kindness wherever you go, leaving a positive impact in your wake.” – Unknown