“Being a big sister means I get to boss you around and you have to listen, it’s in the handbook.”

“As your big sister, I have the right to embarrass you in front of your crush. Consider it a privilege.”

“I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong, especially when it comes to being your big sister.”

“Having a little sister is like having a built-in best friend, but with a lot more bickering and hair-pulling.”

“I’m the big sister, which means I’m automatically cooler than you. It’s just science.”

“I’ve officially been promoted to the role of your personal assistant because I’m your big sister and I said so.”

“Having a little sister is like having your own personal comedy show, complete with dramatic meltdowns and hilarious one-liners.”

“Big sisters are like ninjas – we hide in the shadows and appear out of nowhere when you least expect it.”

“Being a big sister means I’m allowed to steal your clothes and claim them as my own. It’s called sibling tax.”

“If anyone messes with my little sister, they’ll have to answer to me. And trust me, I can be quite terrifying.”

“As your big sister, it’s my duty to teach you all the important things in life, like how to do your own laundry and use sarcasm effectively.”

“I didn’t choose to be a big sister, it’s a divine intervention that I’m here to guide you through life’s treacherous paths.”

“Sure, I may have been forced to share a room with you, but I won’t let that stop me from tormenting you at every opportunity.”

“You might have been accident-prone as a kid, but you’ll always have me, your big sister, to laugh at your misfortune.”

“Being a big sister means always having someone to blame for your own misdeeds. Sorry, sis, it’s just sibling law.” BIBLE QUOTE ABOUT FATHER AND SON

“Big sisters are like human alarm clocks, we’ll wake you up in the most annoying yet effective way possible.”

“Having a little sister means constant entertainment, limitless annoyance, and an endless supply of blackmail material.”

“As your big sister, I am highly skilled in the art of irritating you, it’s a talent that comes naturally to me.”

“Being your big sister has taught me many things, but most importantly, it’s given me a deep appreciation for solitude and personal space.”

“Having a little sister is like having your own personal bodyguard, but instead of protecting you, they spend most of their time pranking you.”

“I may not have chosen you as my sister, but I consider it a stroke of luck to have someone as weird and amazing as you in my life.”

“The best thing about being a big sister is being able to blame everything on you, even when I’m clearly at fault.”

“Having a little sister is like owning a non-refundable toy that never runs out of batteries. Joyous, yet exhausting.”

“Big sisters are like superheroes, with the power to annoy, embarrass, and protect all at once.”

“Being a big sister means having the right to steal your snacks, borrow your clothes, and use your stuff without asking. It’s one of the perks of the job.”

“I can’t promise to solve all your problems, but as your big sister, I can guarantee that I’ll complain about them with you every step of the way.”

“Having a little sister is like having a personal cheerleader, but instead of cheering you on, they’re constantly trying to one-up you.”

“Big sisters are like walking encyclopedias of embarrassing stories and awkward moments. Embrace it, little sis.”

“There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but there’s only one annoying little sister swimming in my gene pool.”