“A birth mother’s love is like no other, it is selfless and boundless.”

“Giving birth doesn’t make you a mother, it’s the sacrifice and love that does.”

“Being a birth mother doesn’t mean giving up, it means giving your child a chance at a better life.”

“A birth mother’s strength can move mountains.”

“I may not have raised you, but I will always be your mother.”

“A birth mother’s choice is the most courageous decision she can make.”

“Being a birth mother means embracing the ultimate act of love and selflessness.”

“A birth mother’s heart holds an immense amount of love for her child.”

“A birth mother’s love is like a golden thread that connects her to her child, forever.”

“Giving a child up for adoption may be the hardest decision a birth mother makes, but it’s also the greatest act of love.”

“A birth mother carries her child within her heart, even when they are apart.”

“A birth mother chooses love over fear, hope over doubt.”

“A birth mother is forever a part of her child’s story, even if they are not physically together.”

“Sometimes the greatest gift a birth mother can give her child is a loving home with adoptive parents.”

“Being a birth mother means putting your child’s needs above your own.”

“A birth mother’s love is like a beacon of light, guiding her child through life.” BROTHER AND SISTER NOT BY BLOOD BUT BY HEART QUOTES

“A birth mother’s love is unconditional, even if it means saying goodbye.”

“A birth mother’s sacrifice is a testament to her love and devotion.”

“A birth mother’s love is a bond that can never be broken.”

“Being a birth mother means making the ultimate sacrifice for your child’s happiness and well-being.”

“A birth mother’s love is a gift that keeps on giving.”

“A birth mother’s love transcends distance and time.”

“Being a birth mother means being a hero in a child’s life.”

“A birth mother’s love is pure and unwavering.”

“A birth mother’s decision is not one made lightly, but with careful consideration and deep love.”

“Being a birth mother means being both brave and selfless.”

“A birth mother’s love is a tapestry woven with tears, strength, and endless love.”

“A birth mother’s legacy is the incredible gift of life and love she gives to her child.”

“Being a birth mother means letting go of your child, but never letting go of your love for them.”

“A birth mother’s love is a guiding force that shapes her child’s destiny.”