“If white people are pleased, we are glad. If they are not, it doesn’t matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too.” – John Howard Griffin

“The hate stares the black man gives the white, the white man returns with a superior smile, while inwardly fearing and hating the black who looks superior.” – John Howard Griffin

“The floodlighted footsteps of the white man are motorized; the black man strolls.” – John Howard Griffin

“The Southern Negro will not tell the white man the truth. It would force them to face facts they prefer not to face.” – John Howard Griffin

“I have seen how the world is put together. Now I want to see where those like me are kept.” – John Howard Griffin

“Only the Negro can turn a phenomenon into an experience.” – John Howard Griffin

“Segregation is an evil word. It’s a system of hypocrisy, a way to keep everything in its place and to keep a man in his place too.” – John Howard Griffin

“I had to live that out before they could know me. In this way they could tag their new white friend as one who wasn’t like those who misused them.” – John Howard Griffin

“I became more Negro than the Negroes themselves. For not only did I weep but I was filled with fury for the injustice.” – John Howard Griffin

“In the beginning, some worried that I’d be washed down in a flood of love, that I’d be corrupted by it. They didn’t realize that love and trust go together.” – John Howard Griffin

“There is something ancient and predatory in the fear these white Southerners have for Negroes.” – John Howard Griffin

“The South’s position on segregation is as contradictory as our own.” – John Howard Griffin

“We were aware, even as we laughed and sang, that our very actions became a direct challenge to the white caste system.” – John Howard Griffin

“But in the end the truth will out. In the end, truth is not something that can be hidden forever.” – John Howard Griffin BEST QUOTES ABOUT TRAVEL BEATNIKS

“Living in this manner, resolving every situation by evading it, forces the Negro to become bitter. The anguish of his feeling cut off from his own humanity permeates his whole being.” – John Howard Griffin

“Brotherhood begins where we leave off measuring ourselves and begin measuring each other.” – John Howard Griffin

“In those strange days when I was a black man, I stood bewildered, staring at what my hands could hold. I was suffering from an enormity of shock.” – John Howard Griffin

“The Southern Negro is forced to make a spiritual division of himself, one for his white benefactors and friends, the other for himself and those who know him as he really is.” – John Howard Griffin

“In the South, it is a thousand small boss men who blindly believe they must keep the Negro in his place.” – John Howard Griffin

“At least a Negro knows where he can meet others of his race and converse.” – John Howard Griffin

“We, the white man, go about life unaware that we are walking in a darkness which has mystified, injured, and put to bitter death countless millions. We don’t even know that we walk in darkness.” – John Howard Griffin

“The white man who comes into the town to open a swimming pool is not attempting to open a place to swim-he is striking old customs from existence. He is challenging the caste system’s allocation of recreation.” – John Howard Griffin

“The Southern Negro does not know what it means to live in a non-segregated society.” – John Howard Griffin

“A privilege is a rare form of injustice.” – John Howard Griffin

“The white man doesn’t seem to realize what is at stake. He has one world, the Negro another.” – John Howard Griffin

“The white man knowing, of course, that Negroes must sleep in Negro hotels is shocked to find that Negroes do sleep in Negro hotels.” – John Howard Griffin

“When all prejudice is a concept, all segregation intellectually defensible, all discrimination based on caste is so wholly reasonable and right.” – John Howard Griffin