“Mr. Scrooge, I beg your pardon, but I must have some coal for the fire. It’s freezing in here!”

“Christmas is a time for forgiveness and goodwill, not for counting your money, sir.”

“Oh, sir, it would be such a blessing to have a day off on Christmas. Just to spend time with my family.”

“Brave and fed your family? We are grateful for what little we have, Mr. Scrooge.”

“God bless us, every one!”

“I’ll work twice as hard tomorrow, sir. I promise.”

“May I have a moment, sir? I just wanted to thank you for the small raise. It means a lot to my family.”

“The Christmas market was such a delight, sir. It made me feel alive and hopeful.”

“This is the season of giving. Perhaps you could spare a few extra pennies, Mr. Scrooge?”

“I would be honored to raise a glass to you, sir. You’ve shown kindness where there was none before.”

“I can hardly wait for Christmas Day, just to see the joy in my children’s eyes.”

“Even in the coldest of times, love and generosity can warm the heart.”

“They say Christmas comes but once a year, but it should be in our hearts every day.”

“A merry Christmas, and a happy New Year! God bless you, Mr. Scrooge.”

“There’s nothing like a warm fire and a loving family to make the holidays special.” DO WELL BY DOING GOOD QUOTE

“Christmas is the perfect time to remember and appreciate the love and kindness we receive throughout the year.”

“Mr. Scrooge, with all due respect, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you showed some charity this Christmas?”

“I never thought I’d see the day when Mr. Scrooge would hang a wreath on his door. It’s a symbol of hope.”

“I hope Tiny Tim gets better soon. He’s such a brave little boy.”

“A little bit of generosity can transform a person’s life, sir.”

“The spirit of Christmas is alive in the hearts of those who spread love and cheer.”

“Thank you for the turkey, sir. My family will have a grand feast this Christmas.”

“The joy of Christmas is not in the material possessions, but in the love and joy we share with others.”

“Christmas is a time for miracles, Mr. Scrooge. Perhaps it’s time you opened your heart to one.”

“Even though we have little, we’re rich in love and laughter during the holiday season.”

“May this Christmas bring you the happiness and warmth you deserve, sir.”

“I believe every person has the ability to change and find the Christmas spirit within themselves.”

“Christmas reminds us to be grateful for what we have, even in the face of hardship.”