“God doesn’t wait until we get ourselves together before He starts loving us. He loves us right where we are.”

“God’s love is not based on our performance; it’s based on His character.”

“God’s love is not a limited resource; it’s an infinite, never-ending supply.”

“God’s love for us is not based on what we do or don’t do; it’s based on who He is.”

“God’s love is not conditional; it’s unconditional. There’s nothing we can do to make Him love us more, and there’s nothing we can do to make Him love us less.”

“God loves us not because we are lovable; He loves us because He is love.”

“God’s love reaches down to the depths of our brokenness and pulls us up with His grace.”

“God’s love is not just a feeling; it’s an action. It’s not something we just talk about; it’s something we live out.”

“God’s love is not afraid of our mess; it embraces us in the midst of it.”

“God’s love is not limited to the deserving; it’s poured out on the undeserving.”

“God’s love is not a transaction; it’s a transformation.” GETTING THROUGH HARD DAYS QUOTES

“God’s love isn’t about what we do for Him; it’s about what He has done for us.”

“God’s love is not dependent on our circumstances; it’s constant in every season of our lives.”

“God’s love doesn’t exclude anyone; it includes everyone.”

“God’s love is not timid; it’s bold. It pursues us relentlessly.”

“God’s love is not a reward for our goodness; it’s a gift of His grace.”

“God’s love is not a burden; it’s a freeing force that liberates us from the chains of our past.”

“God’s love is not concerned with our performance; it’s concerned with our growth.”

“God’s love is not distant; it’s intimate. He knows us intimately and loves us deeply.”

“God’s love doesn’t give up on us; it pursues us until we are found.”

“God’s love is the greatest force in the universe, and it has the power to transform our lives completely.”