“Don’t change your body to get respect from society. Instead, let’s change society to respect our bodies.” – Golda Poretsky

“Your body is not an ornament, it is the vehicle to your dreams.” – Taryn Brumfitt

“There is nothing wrong with your body, but there is plenty wrong with the messages that try to convince you otherwise.” – Unknown

“Your body hears everything your mind says, so be kind to yourself.” – Sonya Renee Taylor

“Your body is not just an exterior, it is the home for your unique and beautiful soul.” – Unknown

“The first step to being body positive is realizing that you don’t have to be someone else, you are already enough.” – Unknown

“Loving yourself starts with loving your body.” – Unknown

“Celebrate your body because it carries the infinite beauty within you.” – Unknown

“You are so much more than your appearance. Embrace your body for all the amazing things it can do.” – Unknown

“Your body is a masterpiece, a work of art. Treat it with love and respect.” – Unknown

“You are not defined by your size or shape. Your worth is so much more than that.” – Unknown

“Body positive is not just about embracing your own body; it’s about embracing everyone’s body.” – Unknown

“Your body is powerful, capable, and deserving of love. Don’t let society’s standards define your beauty.” – Unknown

“You are worth more than your weight or appearance. Focus on the incredible person you are inside.” – Unknown

“Every body is unique and beautiful in its own way. Don’t strive to be someone else, be the best version of yourself.” – Unknown FAT IS BEAUTIFUL QUOTES

“Your body is your powerhouse. Take care of it, nurture it, and love it.” – Unknown

“You have the right to take up space unapologetically. Your body deserves to be seen and heard.” – Unknown

“Rock your body with confidence and let your inner radiance shine through.” – Unknown

“Your body is a vessel, not a measure of your worth. Remember that your worth goes far beyond the physical.” – Unknown

“Celebrate your curves, your stretch marks, your flaws – they are a reflection of your journey and strength.” – Unknown

“Beauty is not just a size or shape – it is an attitude, a state of mind.” – Unknown

“Your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful. Embrace it, celebrate it, and let it shine.” – Unknown

“Your body is a temple, treat it with kindness, love, and respect.” – Unknown

“Be kind to yourself. Your body deserves love, care, and appreciation.” – Unknown

“You don’t owe anyone an apology for the way you look. Embrace your body and own your beauty.” – Unknown

“Don’t let society’s unrealistic beauty standards define your self-worth. You are more than a number on a scale.” – Unknown

“Your body is not a problem to be fixed, it is a masterpiece to be celebrated.” – Unknown

“You are deserving of love and acceptance exactly as you are. Embrace your body with all its ‘imperfections’.” – Unknown

“When you love yourself, flaws and all, you give others permission to do the same. Be an example of body positivity.” – Unknown