“I am haunted by humans.”

“I arrived in Auschwitz, in Germany, in that short time without a body – when the world doesn’t exist, and the minutes go on for years.”

“I was the quiet one in the corner, overhearing things that should never have been said.”

“She loved words. She loved them so much, in fact, that she was never short of them.”

“She was meant to die in my arms, not in yours. I carried her too, but you stole her away from me.”

“You see, the thing with humans is that they tend to forget. They forget that life is fleeting, that love is fragile, and that death is inevitable.”

“I watched as she held him in her arms, this boy with the soul of an artist, burning brightly, too brightly for this world.”

“Sometimes I wish I could go back in time, stop the war, and save all those innocent lives. But it’s not my place. My place is to witness, to carry their stories with me, and to remind humans of the atrocities they are capable of.”

“Humans, with all their flaws and imperfections, are capable of extraordinary acts of bravery and kindness. It’s a shame they don’t always see it in themselves.”

“The Book Thief had struck again, stealing not only words, but also the hearts of those who read them.”

“I see it all, the beauty and the brutality, the joy and the sorrow. And it’s my duty to remember, to bear witness to the human spirit.”

“They would write to me, and they would remember. But one thing I have learned is that words can be lost, memories can fade. It’s up to us to keep them alive, to pass them on, so that the world may never forget.”

“In war, there are no winners. Only losers. And I am left to pick up the pieces.”

“The power of words is immense. They have the ability to heal, to inspire, and to destroy. But it is up to us to choose how we use them.” QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS THAT STAND BY YOU

“I have seen the best and worst of humanity, and I can tell you this: it is in the darkest of times that the light shines the brightest.”

“Death is not the end; it is just the beginning of a new journey.”

“We are all just passing through, like leaves in the wind. But while we are here, let us make our mark, let us leave behind a legacy of love and compassion.”

“It is not the length of one’s life that matters, but the depth of it.”

“I have witnessed the destruction of cities, the loss of loved ones, and the despair of millions. And yet, I am still here, bearing witness to the resilience of the human spirit.”

“Life is a collection of moments, some of them beautiful, some of them painful. And it is in those moments that we truly live.”

“We are all connected, in life and in death. We are all part of a greater tapestry, woven together by love and loss.”

“Death may be inevitable, but that should not stop us from living our lives to the fullest.”

“We are all equal in the eyes of death. It doesn’t matter who we are, where we come from, or what we have done. In the end, we all return to dust.”

“The Book Thief was no thief at all. She was a collector of stories, a custodian of memories.”

“There is beauty in the darkness, if we are willing to open our eyes and see it.”

“Even in the midst of war and destruction, the human spirit can find solace in the power of words.”