“People with borderline personality disorder are very sensitive and can react strongly to perceived abandonment or rejection.”

“Living with borderline personality disorder is like constant emotional chaos, never knowing how you’ll feel from one moment to the next.”

“Those with borderline personality disorder often struggle with feelings of emptiness and a lack of sense of self.”

“It’s hard to trust others when you have borderline personality disorder, because the fear of being hurt or abandoned is always present.”

“Borderline personality disorder: the constant battle between feeling everything too intensely and feeling nothing at all.”

“Having borderline personality disorder means constantly walking a tightrope between wanting to be loved and pushing people away.”

“The constant mood swings and unpredictable behavior of borderline personality disorder can make it extremely difficult to maintain healthy relationships.”

“Living with borderline personality disorder means constantly questioning your own feelings and thoughts, never fully trusting yourself.”

“People with borderline personality disorder often experience intense and unstable relationships, going from idealization to devaluation in an instant.”

“Borderline personality disorder: the struggle of feeling like an emotional burden to those around you.”

“Having borderline personality disorder means constantly battling with self-destructive impulses and thoughts.” QUOTES ABOUT LIFE NOT GOING AS PLANNED

“Those with borderline personality disorder often feel like they’re on an emotional rollercoaster, with intense highs and devastating lows.”

“Borderline personality disorder is not a choice, it’s a condition that deeply impacts every aspect of a person’s life.”

“Living with borderline personality disorder means constantly feeling misunderstood and judged by others.”

“Having borderline personality disorder means feeling like you don’t belong anywhere, constantly searching for a sense of belonging.”

“People with borderline personality disorder often struggle with a fragile sense of self-worth, often seeking validation from others.”

“Living with borderline personality disorder means feeling like your emotions are on overdrive, with every feeling amplified to the extreme.”

“Having borderline personality disorder means constantly battling with self-hatred and feelings of worthlessness.”

“People with borderline personality disorder often have a deep fear of abandonment, leading to intense attachment and fear of rejection.”

“Living with borderline personality disorder means that you have to constantly work on managing your emotions and learning healthy coping mechanisms.”