“Cheerleaders: Because we always color inside the lines… of the football field.”

“If cheerleading were any easier, it would be called football.”

“Cheerleaders don’t just shake pom-poms, they shake the entire field.”

“Cheerleading: the only sport where the louder you scream, the better you are.”

“Cheerleaders: making pyramid schemes look cool since forever.”

“I don’t always cheer, but when I do, I make sure to do it in style.”

“I’m not lazy, I’m just saving my energy for cheerleading practice.”

“Cheerleaders: the only athletes who get more attention than the players.”

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer? Be a cheerleader.”

“I go to the gym to work on my cheers muscles.”

“Cheerleading: where every day is a bad hair day, but we still rock it.”

“Cheerleading is like a drug. Once you try it, you’re hooked. And also, you’re totally addictive.”

“I don’t always tumble, but when I do, it’s usually right in front of the cute guy.”

“Keep calm and cheer on!” GOOD QUOTES BY ALBERT EINSTEIN

“Cheerleaders: We toss people, not confetti.”

“The secret to a happy life? Always have a cheerleader on your side.”

“Sometimes I wonder why I’m not a superhero. Then I remember, I’m already a cheerleader.”

“My mom said I should pursue my dreams, so here I am, pursuing cheerleading.”

“Cheerleading: the only sport where a wardrobe malfunction is considered a highlight.”

“I cheer, therefore I am… tired.”

“Cheerleading: the perfect mix of glamour, sweat, and ponytails.”

“Forget running, I get my cardio from cheering for my favorite team.”

“Cheerleaders: we raised the roof before it was cool.”

“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am at cheerleading.”

“Behind every great cheerleader is a coffee cup filled with confidence.”

“Cheerleading: the sport that proves you don’t need a ball to score.”