“There’s somethin’ so powerful ’bout the natural world, ain’t no other place like it.”

“I wish I knew how to quit you.”

“Two guys can’t be more opposite than me and you.”

“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.”

“I can’t stand for that kinda talk, Ennis. That’s all it is. Just talk.”

“I guess he’d say he’s goin’ to meet his maker. Oh, Ennis.”

“Sometimes I miss ya so much, I can’t stand it.”

“You’re too much for me, Ennis, you son of a whoreson. I wish I knew how to quit you.”

“I can’t fix this. We can’t fix it. It can’t be fixed.”

“You’re a goddamn bitch, you know that? You always will be. You know that, Ennis?”

“I wish I knew how to quit you.”

“You don’t have a clue, do ya? Why we can’t ever get together, even for a coupla hours of love-making?”

“This thing grabs hold of us at the wrong time, wrong place, and that’s all it is.” BEAUTIFUL QUOTES ON MOTHER AND DAUGHTER

“Love what you got while you got it, ’cause it’s gonna be gone one day. Passes quicker than you think.”

“Don’t try and fool yourself, Ennis. You may be free of me, but I’m not free of you.”

“Tell you what. We coulda had a good life together! Fuckin’ real good life! Had us a place of our own. But you didn’t want it, Ennis!”

“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.”

“Right now, I swear, we’re the only two people in the world.”

“Ennis, I swear… it felt like we were gonna die if we didn’t’ do it right then.”

“It ain’t gonna be that way, Ennis.”

“I can’t stand it like this no more, Jack.”

“I wish I knew how to quit you, Ennis.”

“You ever notice how the sound of thunder with a snowstorm feels bigger and God-like?”

“I wish I knew how to quit you.”