“The greatest tragedy of life is not the pain we suffer but rather the pain we omit, the words left unspoken, and the love we never gave.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the person you’d take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the trigger.” – Unknown

“When the person you loved proves that they didn’t really care, it breaks you in ways that cannot be mended easily.” – Unknown

“The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies; it comes from those you trust the most.” – Unknown

“It is better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back.” – Unknown

“The pain of losing a friend hurts more than the pain of a broken heart, for it leaves a void that cannot be filled.” – Unknown

“A true friend is someone who will always be there for you, even when they have every reason to leave.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that never actually happened, but you know deep down that the friendship is over.” – Unknown

“It takes years to build trust, but only seconds to destroy it.” – Unknown

“The silence after a friendship is broken is deafening, echoing with memories and unspoken apologies.” – Unknown

“A friendship that ends abruptly leaves behind scars that remind you of what was lost forever.” – Unknown

“It hurts when you realize that the one person you trusted your life with walked away without a second thought.” – Unknown

“When a friend forgets you, it feels as if the world suddenly turned a shade darker, and everything loses its meaning.” – Unknown

“A broken friendship is like a shattered mirror; it is better to leave the broken pieces behind than to hurt yourself trying to fix it.” – Unknown

“I never knew that the pain of losing a friend was worse than any physical wound I could ever endure.” – Unknown QUOTES IN RAINY DAY

“In one moment, a friendship can be shattered into a million pieces, leaving you to pick them up all on your own.” – Unknown

“The saddest part about a broken friendship is realizing that the person you once knew no longer exists.” – Unknown

“When you lose a friend, it feels as if a piece of your heart has been ripped away, taking away a part of your own identity.” – Unknown

“The worst feeling is not being lonely, but being forgotten by someone you will never forget.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, all you can do is cry and wonder how friendship could be so beautiful, yet so fragile.” – Unknown

“The pain of losing a friend can be so overwhelming that it feels as if your whole world is collapsing.” – Unknown

“You never realize how lonely you are until you lose a friend who was always there.” – Unknown

“A broken friendship feels like a piece of your soul has been torn away, leaving an emptiness that cannot be filled.” – Unknown

“The hardest part about a broken friendship is not the pain of betrayal, but the struggle to trust again.” – Unknown

“It hurts even more when you finally realize that the friendship meant more to you than it did to them.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the people you trust the most turn out to be the ones who hurt you the deepest.” – Unknown

“A true friend never stops caring, even after the friendship is broken. They still hold a special place in their heart for you.” – Unknown

“The loss of a friend is like losing a part of yourself, leaving you feeling incomplete and hollow.” – Unknown