“Friends are the family you choose.” – Jake Peralta

“Friends are you know, people you hang out with, talk to, laugh with. Not people you punch.” – Rosa Diaz

“You’re my best friend. And I’m not ready to lose you yet.” – Jake Peralta

“We’re like the best couple. But, you know, without the sex. And the romance. So actually, not like a couple at all.” – Gina Linetti

“Friends don’t let friends get hurt on their birthday.” – Jake Peralta

“You mess with my squad, you mess with me.” – Rosa Diaz

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but me and my team are legit heroes.” – Terry Jeffords

“When you’re in the field, there’s no such thing as weakness. There’s only wrong and strong.” – Rosa Diaz

“We’re detectives. We solve mysteries. If we lost our wonder, we would become just like any other job.” – Jake Peralta

“You don’t really know someone until you see how they handle stress.” – Raymond Holt

“You’re not just my partner, you’re my best friend.” – Jake Peralta

“You guys are more than friends, you’re family.” – Terry Jeffords

“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.” – Rosa Diaz

“I’m watching them work together. It’s so beautiful. They’re like a bunch of weird detectives.” – Gina Linetti 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CARD QUOTES

“No matter what happens, we all have each other’s backs.” – Charles Boyle

“We’re all just one big dysfunctional family.” – Amy Santiago

“I’d rather be called an idiot by my friends than be isolated by their absence.” – Terry Jeffords

“True friends don’t just want to hang out with you, they make it their mission to ruin your life.” – Gina Linetti

“Friends forgive each other. Real friends forgive each other and then change the shirt they borrowed that got a hole in it.” – Jake Peralta

“We may not be blood, but we are family.” – Terry Jeffords

“I’d take a bullet for you, friend.” – Charles Boyle

“Friends support each other. They make you better, they complete you.” – Raymond Holt

“I open my heart and you judge me?” – Rosa Diaz

“I guess we’ll never know what could have been.” – Jake Peralta

“I’ve made some of the best friends in my life in this precinct.” – Amy Santiago

“Selflessness. Integrity. Honesty. Loyalty. Everything that makes a cop a good cop, makes a person a good person.” – Raymond Holt

“We are going to be each other’s biggest fans for the rest of our lives.” – Gina Linetti