“Bullying builds character like nuclear waste creates superheroes. It’s a rare occurrence and often does much more damage than endowment.” – Zack W. Van

“Bullying is a reflection of the bully’s self-disgust and self-hate.” – Chrisette Michele

“A bully hides his fears with fake confidence. Stand up to him, and he will retreat like the coward he is.” – Tony Alexiou

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Bullying is the epitome of being cowardly. It showcases a complete lack of empathy and compassion.” – Demi Lovato

“No one ever wins a battle with a bully, but standing up against them can bring about change.” – Unknown

“Bullying does not define you. Your actions and the way you treat others determine who you are.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a temporary pain, but kindness lasts forever.” – Unknown

“Bullies tear down, but kindness builds up.” – Unknown

“Bullying is the product of a lack of love and understanding. Spread love and you’ll ward off bullies.” – Unknown

“Bullies are like sandpaper; they may scratch and hurt you, but in the end, you will be polished and they will be left worn out.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a pitiful attempt by the insecure to gain control and power over others.” – Unknown

“Bullies thrive on the fear they instill in others. Don’t let them win.” – Unknown

“Stand tall, believe in yourself, and don’t let anyone bring you down. You are worth so much more than their words.” – Unknown

“Bullying is the ultimate act of weakness, stemming from an inner turmoil the bully refuses to address.” – Unknown WHEN YOUR FRIENDS EXCLUDE YOU QUOTES

“Kindness is a powerful antidote to bullying. Choose to spread it wherever you go.” – Unknown

“Bullying only exists because people give it power. Refuse to be a victim and take away its power.” – Unknown

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind. It’s the best defense against bullies.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a reflection of the bully’s own insecurities, not your worth as a person.” – Unknown

“Bullies thrive on attention. Deny them that and they will lose their power.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a contagious virus, but so is kindness. Choose which one you want to spread.” – Unknown

“No one deserves to be bullied. Remember, it’s not your fault.” – Unknown

“Kindness is never wasted, especially on those who are hurting the most.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a sign of weakness, not strength.” – Unknown

“Bullying creates wounds that go deeper than physical ones. Healing takes time, but it is possible.” – Unknown

“Bullies are often just projecting their own internal pain onto others. It’s a sad cycle that needs to be broken.” – Unknown

“Kindness is not a weakness; it’s the most courageous act you can do in the face of bullying.” – Unknown

“Bullying thrives in silence. Speak up and let your voice be heard against it.” – Unknown

“Bullies may laugh at you, but remember, true strength is found in your ability to rise above their cruelty.” – Unknown