“Bullying is a cowardly and disgraceful act that can leave deep scars on a person’s self-esteem.” – Unknown

“The only way to stop bullying is to stand up and speak out against it.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a sign of weakness, not strength.” – Unknown

“No one deserves to be belittled or harmed. We must unite against bullying.” – Unknown

“Kindness and compassion are the best weapons against bullying.” – Unknown

“Treat others the way you want to be treated, and bullying will cease to exist.” – Unknown

“You never know what someone is going through. Be kind, always.” – Unknown

“Bullying thrives in silence, so we must break the silence and stand up for one another.” – Unknown

“Bullying doesn’t define you. It’s the bully’s weakness and insecurity that is exposed.” – Unknown

“Empathy is the antidote to bullying.” – Unknown

“Let’s create a world where bullying is a thing of the past, and everyone feels safe and accepted.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT LIFE NEEDING TO CHANGE

“In a world where you can be anything, choose kindness over bullying.” – Unknown

“Don’t be a bystander. Stand up for what is right and protect those who are being bullied.” – Unknown

“Bullying may bring temporary satisfaction, but it leaves a permanent stain on your character.” – Unknown

“The strongest people are those who lift others up, not tear them down.” – Unknown

“Bullying is a learned behavior; let’s teach kindness instead.” – Unknown

“We must teach our children to be kind, both online and offline, and put an end to cyberbullying.” – Unknown

“Every child deserves a nurturing and uplifting environment, free from the pain of bullying.” – Unknown

“Bullying doesn’t make you stronger; it makes you weaker. True strength lies in being kind.” – Unknown

“Never underestimate the power of your words. Use them to uplift, not tear down.” – Unknown