“I didn’t feel like I lived up to the expectations Kris had for me.”

“Kris wanted me to fit into a certain mold, but I couldn’t be who she wanted me to be.”

“I started to feel like I was trapped in a marriage that was suffocating me.”

“Kris was always focused on appearances, on what people thought of us as a couple.”

“I realized that Kris only saw me as a reflection of herself, not as an individual with my own desires and dreams.”

“She wanted me to stay hidden, to keep my true self locked away.”

“There was always a part of me that felt like Kris didn’t really know or understand who I was.”

“Kris was so consumed with maintaining the Kardashian brand that she didn’t prioritize our relationship.”

“I felt invisible in our marriage, overshadowed by the spotlight that Kris craved.”

“Kris was obsessed with control, and it suffocated me.”

“She wanted everything to be perfect, but perfection isn’t real.”

“I couldn’t continue pretending to be someone I wasn’t just to please Kris.” CHOSEN BY GOD QUOTES

“Kris’s constant need for attention and validation made me feel like I was never enough.”

“I realized that I couldn’t live my life for someone else’s happiness.”

“Kris wanted to project an image of a perfect family, but behind closed doors, things were far from perfect.”

“I knew that I had to be true to myself, even if it meant breaking Kris’s heart.”

“Our marriage was built on a foundation of secrets, and it was a relief to finally be honest with myself and with Kris.”

“Kris couldn’t accept the person I was becoming, and it caused a lot of pain and tension between us.”

“I think Kris always saw me as a threat to her own identity.”

“I couldn’t continue living a lie just to maintain the illusion of a happy marriage.”

“Kris had a hard time understanding and accepting my journey towards self-discovery.”

“Leaving Kris was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made, but I had to prioritize my own happiness and authenticity.”