“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.”

“If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.”

“Can I have a kiss? I want to make sure our lips have the perfect chemistry.”

“I could use a little sweetness in my day. Can I borrow a kiss?”

“You’re so irresistible, can I borrow a kiss? I promise it’ll be unforgettable.”

“Can I steal a kiss? Because your lips look like they’re worth committing a crime for.”

“I may not be a photographer, but I can definitely picture us kissing. Can I borrow one?”

“Do you have a spare kiss? Because you’ve stolen my heart.”

“I’m feeling a bit low on kisses. Can I borrow one to recharge?”

“I think I have a kiss shortage. Can I borrow one of yours?”

“Can I have a kiss? Because your lips are calling my name.”

“Is it too much to ask for a little kiss? You’re so irresistible, I can’t resist.”

“Kiss me like it’s the only currency in the world. Can I borrow one?” ROGER SCRUTON QUOTES

“I’m running out of kisses, can I borrow one to get me through the day?”

“I’m feeling a bit kiss-deprived. Can I borrow one from you?”

“You’re too good at stealing hearts. Can I borrow a kiss as well?”

“Can I have a kiss? Because I’m craving the taste of your lips.”

“I’m in need of a little magic. Can I borrow a kiss from you?”

“I can’t help but be drawn to your lips. Can I have a kiss?”

“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to return it with interest.”

“I’m feeling a bit lonely. Can I borrow a kiss to keep me company?”

“Can I steal a kiss? Because your lips are too tempting to resist.”

“I’m addicted to your kisses. Can I spare some for today?”

“Can I have a kiss to make my day brighter? Your lips have that power.”