“You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If you try to please everyone, you will end up pleasing no one.” – Unknown

“Don’t waste your time trying to please everyone, because you never will.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the opinions of others consume you; you can never please everyone.” – Unknown

“There will always be someone who won’t like what you do, so focus on pleasing yourself.” – Unknown

“Be true to yourself, because you can’t please everyone else.” – Unknown

“The only person you should be trying to please is yourself.” – Unknown

“Don’t seek approval from others; happiness comes from within, not from pleasing others.” – Unknown

“You are not responsible for other people’s happiness; focus on your own.” – Unknown

“Trying to please everyone is a recipe for failure.” – Unknown

“Stop trying to please people who will never be satisfied.” – Unknown

“You can’t please everyone, so focus on pleasing yourself first.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the opinions of others define your happiness.” – Unknown

“Pleasing others is a fruitless endeavor, focus on pleasing yourself instead.” – Unknown

“If you try to please everyone, you will lose yourself in the process.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT BIBLE TRANSLATIONS

“The more you try to please others, the less authentic you become.” – Unknown

“You can’t control how others perceive you, so stop trying to please them.” – Unknown

“The people who truly matter will love and accept you for who you are.” – Unknown

“It’s not your job to make everyone happy.” – Unknown

“Focus on your own happiness and let go of the need to please everyone else.” – Unknown

“Authenticity is more important than trying to please others.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of disapproval hold you back from being yourself.” – Unknown

“Trying to please everyone is a never-ending battle; focus on pleasing yourself instead.” – Unknown

“You can’t please everyone, so stop trying.” – Unknown

“Don’t sacrifice your own happiness in an attempt to please others.” – Unknown

“True happiness comes from being true to yourself, not from pleasing others.” – Unknown

“The only way to be truly happy is to stop seeking approval from others.” – Unknown

“The only person you need to please is yourself.” – Unknown

“Your worth is not determined by how many people you please.” – Unknown