“I’m so tired that I can’t even sleep properly.”

“Sleep is like a luxury I can’t afford.”

“My bed is doing a fantastic job of reminding me that I can’t sleep.”

“I want to be in a relationship with my bed but it keeps giving me mixed signals.”

“Who needs sleep anyway? It’s just a waste of time.”

“Sleep is for the weak, they say. Well, call me weak then!”

“I tried counting sheep to fall asleep. Then I realized I was at an exotic animal auction.”

“Sleep is elusive, like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.”

“If I can’t sleep, at least my mind is getting a great workout.”

“Insomnia should be listed as a skill on my resume at this point.”

“I’m not sure if I’m awake dreaming or asleep living.”

“Not being able to sleep is like trying to find a parking spot in a crowded city – frustrating and endless.” URDU QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“My mind is like a clown car, full of thoughts keeping me awake at night.”

“If my brain had an off switch, I would be sleeping like a baby.”

“Sleeping is my favorite sport, but I’m terrible at it.”

“Sleeping is the only time I can truly avoid adulting.”

“I think the monsters under my bed are stealing my sleep.”

“I’m not sure if I have a sleep disorder or if sleep just doesn’t like me.”

“Sleep deprivation: the secret to becoming a walking zombie.”

“I always tell myself I’ll get a good night’s sleep, but my brain has other plans.”

“The only thing that keeps me awake at night is my overactive imagination.”

“Counting sheep is so last century, I count cups of coffee to stay awake.”

“Sleep is like a distant cousin I haven’t seen in years.”