“The house always wins.” – Unknown

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” – Seneca

“In the casino, the cardinal rule is to keep them playing and to keep them coming back.” – Frank Rosenthal

“Gambling is not about how well you play the games, it’s really about how well you handle your money.” – V.P. Pappy

“You know, if you can’t spot the sucker in your first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.” – Mike McDermott (Rounders)

“The safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.” – Kin Hubbard

“Gambling is a disease of barbarians superficially civilized.” – Dean Inge

“The urge to gamble is so universal and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be evil.” – Heywood Broun

“A casino is a place where you can lose your money faster than you can make it.” – Jack Yelton

“I want people to understand, gambling is not a bad thing if you do it within the framework of what it’s meant to be, which is fun and entertaining.” – Michael Jordan

“If you play long enough, the house always wins.” – Tom Segura POSITIVE NEURODIVERSITY QUOTE

“The odds of hitting a jackpot are the same as a tornado going through a junkyard and assembling a working airplane.” – Vera Nazarian

“Casinos and prostitutes have the same thing in common: they are both trying to screw you out of your money and send you home with a smile on your face.” – VP Pappy

“The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling.” – Ambrose Bierce

“There is no gambling like politics.” – Benjamin Disraeli

“The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling.” – Ambrose Bierce

“Casinos and prostitutes have the same thing in common: they are both trying to screw you out of your money and send you home with a smile on your face.” – VP Pappy

“Luck is what you have left over after you give 100 percent.” – Langston Coleman

“Quit while you’re ahead. All the best gamblers do.” – Baltasar Gracian

“The only way to win at gambling is to be the house.” – Anonymous

“If you can’t afford to lose, you can’t afford to win.” – Jesse May