“Choose joy, every day.”

“A smile is contagious, spread it around.”

“Happiness is a choice, make it wisely.”

“Find the beauty in every moment.”

“Laughing is the key to a happy heart.”

“Don’t worry, be happy.”

“You are capable of amazing things, believe in yourself.”

“Keep your face towards the sunshine.”

“Happiness comes from within, not from external circumstances.”

“A positive attitude can change your whole day.”

“Life is too short not to be happy.”

“Happiness is the best makeup.”

“Every day is a new chance for happiness.” SAD QUOTES ABOUT LOSING A LOVED ONE

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, then throw a party.”

“Surround yourself with laughter and joy.”

“Focus on the good, and the good will multiply.”

“Choose to see the glass half full.”

“Find the silver lining in every cloud.”

“Start each day with a grateful heart.”

“Smile often, it looks good on you.”

“Be the reason someone smiles today.”

“Laugh until your belly hurts.”

“Happy thoughts create a happy life.”

“Spread positivity like confetti.”

“Life is too short not to dance in the rain.”