“Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?” – Alex

“When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.” – Alex

“Choice. The luxury of choice is no longer yours.” – Alex

“Freedom of choice, my brothers. Freedom of choice.” – Alex

“Goodness comes from within. Goodness is chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.” – Dr. Brodsky

“Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses the bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him?” – Chaplain

“I see that clearly now. I have been a blind fool, refusing to see the choices I’ve made.” – Alex

“Do you currently have the freedom of choice? Or are you a mere puppet whose strings are being pulled by society?” – Alex

“It’s funny how the colours of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.” – Alex

“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?” – Dr. Branom

“It’s funny how the scheme of things seems to change when you’re utterly defenceless and incapable of choosing your own fate.” – Alex ALONE SAD QUOTES

“The Ludovico Technique turns choice into a sledgehammer.” – Alex

“What’s it going to be then, eh? Is it going to be in and out of institutions like this if I’m lucky, or a rope if I ain’t?” – Alex

“Goodness is not something that is imposed, but something that is chosen.” – Dr. Brodsky

“We can destroy what we have written, but we cannot unwrite it.” – Alex

“One cannot be truly good unless they have the choice to be bad.” – Prison Chaplain

“I was cured alright.” – Alex

“The freedom to be bad is just as essential as the freedom to be good.” – Dr. Branom

“Am I just to be like a clockwork orange? Ready to rot and achieve only a sort of mechanical goodness leading to the final good oblivion?” – Alex

“It’s funny how the mind can twist reality, making choices seem like destiny.” – Alex