“I’m like a bull in a china shop, always breaking things.”

“I have a knack for stumbling over my own two feet.”

“I’ve accepted that I will never be graceful.”

“I trip over air more often than I’d like to admit.”

“My coordination is a constant source of entertainment for others.”

“I’ve mastered the art of knocking things over without even trying.”

“I can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.”

“I have a natural talent for dropping things.”

“I’m the queen/king of awkward moments.”

“If there’s something to trip over, rest assured I will find it.”

“My middle name should be ‘Oops’.”

“I have a talent for running into walls.”

“I wish my feet would just listen to my brain.”

“I’ve learned to embrace my inner klutz.” POSITIVE TIRING DAY QUOTES

“I’m a walking disaster waiting to happen.”

“I leave a trail of spills wherever I go.”

“I’m that person who trips over invisible objects.”

“I’m a hazard to myself and anyone around me.”

“I should come with a caution sign: ‘Beware of clumsiness’.”

“I’m a magnet for accidents.”

“I have a talent for knocking things off tables with my elbows.”

“I’m the epitome of gracelessness.”

“I can’t even tie my own shoelaces without messing up.”

“My life is a never-ending series of klutzy moments.”

“You know you’re clumsy when you can trip over your own shadow.”

“I have a habit of bumping into things even in wide-open spaces.”

“I’m constantly reminded that gravity is not my friend.”