“The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive.”

“A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls.”

“I don’t know why women want any of the things men have when one of the things that women have is men.”

“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”

“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.”

“I don’t do fashion; I am fashion.”

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”

“Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.”

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.”

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”

“Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.” QUOTES ABOUT HAVING FAITH

“Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.”

“I invented my life by taking for granted that everything I did not like would have an opposite, which I would like.”

“Fashion is made to become unfashionable.”

“A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.”

“You can be gorgeous at 30, charming at 40, and irresistible for the rest of your life.”

“A girl should be two things: who and whatever she wants.”

“A woman can be over-dressed but never over-elegant.”

“The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.”

“Fashion is architecture: It is a matter of proportions.”

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”