“Sometimes, the most toxic person in your life is the one who disguises themselves as your savior.”

“You can’t fix someone who doesn’t see themselves as broken.”

“The more you absorb toxicity, the less space you have for love and healing.”

“Don’t stay in a toxic relationship just because you’re afraid of being alone. You deserve better.”

“It takes strength to walk away from something that is slowly poisoning you.”

“You can love someone without sacrificing your own well-being.”

“Leaving a toxic relationship is not a sign of weakness, but an act of self-respect.”

“Your worth is not defined by the way someone treats you.”

“Realizing that toxicity is not love is the first step towards freedom.”

“Don’t let toxicity consume you. Choose yourself over the toxicity.”

“You deserve a love that inspires you to grow, not one that diminishes your spirit.”

“The best way to heal from a toxic relationship is to distance yourself from it.” FAMOUS MONK QUOTES

“In the end, toxicity erodes the foundation of any relationship.”

“Toxicity breeds negativity, and negativity stifles growth.”

“Happiness and toxic relationships cannot coexist.”

“Don’t hold onto someone who doesn’t value your worth.”

“Your peace of mind is more valuable than any toxic relationship.”

“Toxicity is a poison that slowly kills everything it touches.”

“Leaving a toxic relationship gives you the opportunity to rediscover yourself and rebuild your life.”

“Love is meant to be nourishing, not destructive.”

“Don’t compromise your happiness for the sake of another person’s toxicity.”

“It’s better to be single and content than in a toxic relationship and constantly unhappy.”